Chronic Disease | The Gateway Family YMCA

Blood Pressure

We support individuals, families and the community for healthy living by promoting well-being, reducing risk of developing chronic disease and assisting people to reclaim their health through dedicated trained staff and intentionally designed programs in a safe environment engineered for personal success.

Many Chronic Disease Self-Management Programs are being offered Virtually through Your Virtual YMCA at this time.  Registration is Required.



This is a Diabetes Prevention Program focused on weight loss and increased physical activity. Over 12 weeks, we will work together within a small group setting to adopt everyday habits that will improve your overall health and well-being while reducing the risk of chronic disease. Everyone will have the goal of 7% weight loss and 150 minutes of weekly physical activity. After 12 weeks, you will have the opportunity to meet with a coach monthly to sustain your weight loss!


DEEP is a 6-week program designed to help participants gain a better understanding of diabetes self -care. Relatives and caregivers are welcome to also attend. Each session is 1.5-2 hours in length, with a class size between 5 – 15 participants. Curriculum includes developing self-care, preventing complications, increasing physical activity, improved nutrition, and utilizing available resources.


If you have diabetes the goal is control. Control your blood sugar and you cut the risk of life-threatening complications. Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Rahway together with The Gateway Family YMCA – Rahway Branch, has a free six week program that will show how to control blood sugar. Education, support, light exercise and lunch are included to help you reach the goal of control. This free program is open to the community. This program is made possible through a grant from Merck


WLP is a group-based twelve week program for adults 18+ years and is designed to empower, encourage and provide the tools needed for success. Weekly topics include balanced eating, physical activity, goal setting, positive psychology and behavior sustainability. Through group work, all participants design personal action plans to achieve their own personal weight loss goals.


Research shows that simply checking and recording your blood pressure (BP) twice a month for four months may lower BP for those with high BP. To qualify for BPSM, participants must be 18+ years of age, have been diagnosed with high BP, not experienced a recent cardiac event or have any arrhythmias or atrial fibrillation. With BPSM, participants will work with trained staff over a four-month period to improve their self-monitoring skills. Program goals are to reduce and better manage your BP, and enhance knowledge of healthier eating habits. Monthly Nutrition Seminars will highlight healthier eating habits.


LIVESTRONG® at the YMCA is a small-group program that helps adult cancer survivors reclaim their health and wellbeing following a cancer diagnosis. Through this program YMCAs are creating communities among cancer survivors and guiding them through safe physical activity, helping them build supportive relationships, and reducing stress – leading to an improved quality of life.


Enhance Fitness is an evidence-based group exercise program that uses simple, easy to learn movements that motivate individuals with arthritis to stay active throughout their life. Each class session includes cardiovascular, strength training, balance, and flexibility exercises and the fostering of strong social relationships between participants.

Healthy Weight and Your Child

This is a 4 month family-based weight management program for children ages 7 – 13 with obesity. Both the parent and child are educated HWYC is designed with the entire family in mind. Both the child and parent learn the positive healthy eating and physical activity changes needed to live a healthier life. Each child must be in the 95th percentile of body mass index and receive clearance from a school nurse or healthcare provider. Sessions are twice a week for ten weeks and then weekly for five weeks.

HealthEASE Educational Series

The HealthEASE Educational Series includes topics such as:
Keeping Up the Beat – Learn about heart disease, blood pressure control and lifestyle changes for heart health
Keep Your Mind Sharp – Brain function and the effects of aging on the brain.
Be Wise About Your Medications – Recognize how changes in our aging bodies affect medications, avoiding dangerous drug interactions and the difference between generic and brand name medications.
Move to Get F.I.T. – Learn about the benefits of exercise in promoting healthy aging and current recommendations for an active and fit older adult.

Multiple Sclerosis One Step

The One Step program is a 12-week, wellness course designed for adults with medically diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.  The program provides a comfortable and accessible environment to encourage safe, therapeutic exercise that addresses the issues of fatigue, walking, weakness and depression. One Step also provides emotional support through facilitated conversation in a controlled environment. One Step curriculum is supported by the National MS Society of New Jersey. The course is led by a trained, certified instructor.


Healthy Living Behavior Change

Designed to assist members in setting goals and making personal progress to a healthy life.

The Gateway Family YMCA