Private Fitness Studio
Our Private Fitness Studio is unique boutique experience exclusively available to active full privilege members of The Gateway Family YMCA. Reserve your complimentary appointment for our Private Fitness Studio, located at the Wellness Center Branch. The Private Fitness Studio is for the exclusive use of an individual Y member or 2 members on the same Y family membership.
Our Private Fitness Studio remains an exclusive option perfect for members who are more comfortable in an isolated environment, or members who wish to continue the exclusive feel of their own studio.
Y Members Ages 10-11 must be accompanied by an adult member on their family membership in order to utilize the Private Fitness Studio. Individual appointments, minimum age of 12. Members under 18 are required to have a parent/guardian on premises during appointment.
Private Fitness Studio equipment includes:
Elliptical, Spin Bike, Recumbent Bike, Rower
Online reservations are required in advance, as capacity is limited to 1 appointment at a time. No-fee reservations are available on Friday for the upcoming week.
During these challenging times, please be respectful of yourself and others. Cancellations must be made by calling 908-349-9622 before 7:00am to accommodate members on the wait list.
What to Wear: Comfortable Clothing, Sneakers
What to Bring: Cloth Face Covering/Mask, Water Bottle, Towel, YMCA Membership Card/Mobile App for check-in
Appointment Duration: 45 minutes